I came very close to naming my blog "A Piece of Art". That's what my granddaughter calls all of her artwork that she brings me. I used one of my favorite "pieces of art" as custom background paper in this 8" x 8" layout I created with My Digital Studio. Don't you love all of the detail she puts into her artwork? I especially love the butterfly in the lower right corner. I'm sorry, but even Stampin' Up! can't top that. Okay, I might be bragging just a little, but it's my blog, so there. lol
It would have been fun to use the same drawing she's pointing to in the photo as background paper, but I think her other grandma got that one. Oh well, I guess even grownups have to share...
I hope you enjoyed this little "Piece of Art". I'll be back with another tutorial soon. Looks like it's going to be cold and rainy tomorrow, so it'll be a good day to spend in my craft room.